Hope mediates the relationship between childhood adversity and academic resilience among Appalachian young adults.


  • Dr. Dan Gottron Practitioner
  • Dr. Peter Williams Associate Professor Educational Leadership Texas A&M Commerce Commerce, TX
  • Dr. Mei Jiang Assistant Professor Psychology & Special Education Texas A&M Commerce Commerce, TX




Appalachia, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), Perceived Social Support, Academic Resilience, Trauma, Hope, Rural


The impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on health and academic outcomes is well-supported in the research since Felitti, et al.’s (1998) research. Less is known about the interactions of positive supports that promote academic resilience (AR) among rural young adults who have experienced ACEs. This cross-sectional, moderated mediation study explored the factors that predict AR among young adults in rural Appalachia. We established the negative relationship between ACEs and AR, and we tested the degree to which hope and perceived social support (PSS) interact to influence that relationship. The study revealed the mediating role of hope but did not support the proposed role of PSS in moderating the relationship between ACEs and hope. We discuss this finding in the context of other research and provide recommendations for K12 educational leaders and for future research.

Author Biographies

Dr. Dan Gottron, Practitioner

Dr. Dan Gottron, EdD, is the Director of Curriculum and Instruction at McGuffey School District in Washington County, Pennsylvania. He has over 15 years of experience working in the field of K-12 education, serving as a classroom teacher, building administrator, and district administrator. His research interests include rural Appalachian schools and communities, childhood adversity, hope, social support, and resilience. His prior research includes a doctoral dissertation titled “The Interaction of Adversity, Hope, Social Support, and Academic Resilience in Emerging Appalachian Adults” (https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/etd/264/). While committed to both his work as a K-12 educator and his research interests, Dr. Gottron is most passionate about his family, which includes his wife Heidi and children Guy, Joanna, and Samantha.

Dr. Peter Williams, Associate Professor Educational Leadership Texas A&M Commerce Commerce, TX

Dr. Peter Williams, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at Texas A&M Commerce where he helps school leaders figure out how to interpret data through teaching research and helps build capacity in their staff. He has over 35 years of experience teaching adults in various contexts including English as a Second Language in Honduras, literacy education in correctional education, and leadership in doctoral programs. His research interests focus on how adults learn and lead in distributed and culturally diverse environments and on various aspects of well-being at work including social support, hope, and spirituality. In his spare time, Dr. Williams is a Master Naturalist with a passion for native plants, and he roasts his own coffee.

Dr. Mei Jiang, Assistant Professor Psychology & Special Education Texas A&M Commerce Commerce, TX

Dr. Mae Jiang, PhD, is an Associate professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology and Special Education at Texas A&M University-Commerce. With more than ten years of experience teaching research tools courses in both undergraduate and graduate classes, she has proudly assisted more than 160 doctoral students with their dissertations. Her research interests include self efficacy and instructional strategies in online learning and teaching, as well as cultural responsiveness, intercultural competency, and social justice in relation to people’s well-being in varied settings.


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How to Cite

Gottron, D. D., Williams, P., & Jiang, M. (2024). Hope mediates the relationship between childhood adversity and academic resilience among Appalachian young adults. Theory & Practice in Rural Education, 14(1), 49–72. https://doi.org/10.3776/tpre.2024.v14n1p49-72