Rural secondary STEM teachers’ understanding of the engineering design process

Impacts of participation in a Research Experiences for Teachers program




STEM Education, rural teachers, engineering design process, research experiences for teachers, professional development, qualitative methods


Though STEM teacher professional development is known to be beneficial, it is not available equally to educators in all geographic regions. Rural educators face unique challenges not often experienced by their urban and suburban counterparts. This study investigates the impacts of a Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program on rural math, science, and technology education teachers’ perspectives on how these experiences changed their understanding of the engineering design process (EDP). From 2016 to 2019, eleven rural secondary STEM teachers engaged in a six-week professional development experience focused on research and implementing the EDP. These teachers were rural “solitary” STEM teachers, which meant they were the only teacher of their subject in their school building. This qualitative study used a thematic analysis approach to code and analyze individual and focus group interview transcripts. The results were analyzed to determine how the RET experiences impacted the teachers’ perception of how the EDP is used in problem-solving activities and how it could be integrated into their classroom practices. Results from this study show that the teachers developed a more authentic conceptual understanding of the EDP, which led to increased insightfulness on how to engage students in authentic engineering design activities that strengthen future workforce skills. This study demonstrated that an authentic engineering-based RET program can increase rural teachers’ commitment and readiness to incorporate the EDP into regular classroom practices. Further, this program resulted in teachers gaining a much more nuanced understanding of how the EDP’s non-linear steps and iterative nature contribute to creating authentic problem-solving challenges for students. In particular, the teachers realized the necessity of creating less prescribed challenges that require students to draw upon the constellation of skills necessary to design optimal solutions, resulting in higher-caliber opportunities to develop future workforce skills. These findings emphasize the critical need to design professional development experiences that target the unique needs of rural STEM teachers. Additional research is needed to tease out the extent to which teachers’ increased commitment to using the EPD and a more nuanced understanding of the EDP translate into sustained changes to classroom practice.

Author Biographies

Teresa Shume, North Dakota State University

Dr. Teresa Shume is an associate professor in the School of Education at North Dakota State University. She holds a Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning from the University of North Dakota, an M.Ed. from the University of Utah, and undergraduate degrees in biology and education from the Collège universitaire de St.-Boniface in Canada. She has worked as a high school science teacher, college biology instructor, science teacher educator, and science education consultant. Her research and teaching focus on science teacher preparation and making science education accessible for all.

Bradley Bowen, Virginia Tech

Dr. Bradley Bowen is an assistant professor at Virginia Tech in the School of Education’s Integrative STEM Education program. He has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech and a Master’s of Civil Engineering and an Ed.D. in Technology Education, both from N.C. State University. Using his work experience in engineering and education, he specializes in designing Integrative STEM Education activities for K-12 students and professional development programs for K-12 educators.

Jewel Altimus, Virginia Tech

Jewel Altimus is a doctoral student in the Integrative STEM Education program at Virginia Tech. She received her B.S. degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, with a concentration in Elementary Education from Radford University, and her M.A.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Virginia Tech.

Alan Kallmeyer, North Dakota State University

Dr. Alan Kallmeyer is a Professor and Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department at North Dakota State University. His technical research background focuses on the fatigue and fracture behavior of engineering materials, a subject on which he has published extensively. He has also been active in K-12 STEM outreach efforts in the College of Engineering at NDSU, establishing and expanding several programs designed to excite students about STEM careers and improve the preparedness of K-12 students and teachers to succeed in STEM disciplines.


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How to Cite

Shume, T., Bowen, B., Altimus, J., & Kallmeyer, A. (2022). Rural secondary STEM teachers’ understanding of the engineering design process: Impacts of participation in a Research Experiences for Teachers program. Theory & Practice in Rural Education, 12(2), 89–103.