STEMulating interest with a rural place-conscious curriculum


  • Elaine Westbrook Montana State University Billings



STEM Interest, Rural, Place-Conscious, Informal Programming, Hands-On, Role Model, Culminating Project


This study was designed to investigate rural cultural and social influences that are uniquely different from other areas that could inform or shape the development of students’ science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) interest. However, previous research focusing on place-conscious designs in rural locations has not explored how to increase students’ interest in STEM. Specifically, this study investigated the effects of three informal instructional methods (hands-on, role model, and culminating projects) in a place-conscious curriculum on STEM interest. Participants included youth in grades 3rd through 5th attending two local schools in one community. Results indicated STEM interest increased through collaborative work, new knowledge, and action research. This study will help fill the gap in rural-based empirical studies of STEM interest development, informal education, and youth ages 8-12.

Author Biography

Elaine Westbrook, Montana State University Billings

Elaine Westbrook, EdD, is Assistant Professor of STEM Methods in the Department of Theory & Practice of the College of Education at Montana State University Billings. Before her work in higher education, Dr. Westbrook was a chemistry and astronomy high school teacher and a two-time national delegate for Girl Scouts in Tampa, Florida. She earned her bachelor's degree in Chemistry at Kennesaw State University, her Master's in Science Education, and Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from Montana State University. Her research interests are focused on informal education, place-conscious pedagogy, rural and indigenous communities, and upper elementary-aged youth. Her primary ambition is to raise marginalized youth's voices and develop programming that increases STEM interest.


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How to Cite

Westbrook, E. (2022). STEMulating interest with a rural place-conscious curriculum. Theory & Practice in Rural Education, 12(2), 197–220.