A Study of Rural Principals’ Evaluative Practices Using the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System


  • Matthew K. Driver West Texas A&M University
  • Irma Harper West Texas A & M University




educational leadership, teacher development, school principals, teacher evaluation, rural education


The study of effective school leaders and teacher evaluators has been a topic of interest to researchers for decades. While there have been a number of studies performed on urban schools, this study seeks to add to the body of research from the perspective of rural schools. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the strategies and practices teacher evaluators employ in the evaluation process to improve instructional practices on their campuses. The study highlights the important role that relationships, communication, organization, training, targeted feedback, and calibration play in creating an environment. While each principal noted the factors above are important to the evaluation process, they differed in their beliefs and approaches to improving teacher performance. Findings suggest that principals must use a variety of tools and methods to engage teachers in the evaluation process, which in turn, will help improve their instructional practices.

Author Biographies

Matthew K. Driver, West Texas A&M University

Matthew K. Driver, EdD, i

s an instructor at Terry B. Rogers College of Education and Social Sciences at West Texas A&M University. He has worked for 12 years in public education in Amarillo, Texas. He received his bachelor of arts, master of education, and doctor of education leadership from West Texas A&M University. His scholarly pursuits focus on improving educational outcomes for all students through teacher evaluation and education leadership. Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Dr. Matthew K. Driver, Department of Education, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas. E-mail: nmdriver@wtamu.edu

Irma Harper, West Texas A & M University

Irma Harper, EdD, is an associate professor in the Educational Leadership doctoral program at West Texas A&M University. She previously served as the associate vice chancellor of academic affairs at The Texas A&M University System. Her research and practice focus on teacher attrition and teacher quality.


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How to Cite

Driver, M. K., & Harper, I. (2022). A Study of Rural Principals’ Evaluative Practices Using the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System. Theory & Practice in Rural Education, 12(1), 25–40. https://doi.org/10.3776/tpre.2022.v12n1p25-40