Place-based Innovations for Rural Education

An Introduction to Volume 10, Issue 1 of TPRE



rural education, place-based education, social networks, rural challenges


This article provides an overview of the contents of  volume 10, issue 1 of Theory & Practice in Rural Education.


Bæck, U. K. (2016). Rural location and academic success – Remarks on research, contextualization, and methodology. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 60(4), 435-448.
Biddle, C., & Azano, A. P. (2016). Constructing and reconstructing the “rural school problem” A century of rural education research. Review of Research in Education, 40(1), 298-325.
Buckmiller, T., Townsley, M., & Cooper, R. (2020). Rural high school principals and the challenge of standards-based grading. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 9(3), 6- . https://10.3776/tpre.v10i1p6-
Burton, M., Brown, K., & Johnson, A. (2013). Storylines about rural teachers in the United States: A narrative analysis of the literature. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 28(12), 1–18.
Corbett, M. (2016). Rural futures: Development, aspirations, mobilities, place, and education. Peabody Journal of Education 91(2), 270-282.
Davis, L., & Buchanan, R. (2020). Trauma-informed practices in rural education. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 9(3), 6- . https://10.3776/tpre.v10i1p6-
Dorr, K. (2020). Book review: Challenges and interventions in rural schools. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 10(1) 6- . https://10.3776/tpre.v10i1p6-
Hailey, D. J., & Fazio-Brunson, M. (2020). Leadership in the early childhood years: Opportunities for young leadership development in rural communities. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 10(1), 6- . https://10.3776/tpre.v10i1p6-
Institute of Education Science. (2006). Rural Education in America: Definitions. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
Institute of Education Sciences. (2013). The status of rural education. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
Reagan, E. M., Hambacher, E., Schram, T., McCurdy, K., Lord, D., Higginbotham, T., & Fornauf, B. (2019). Place matters: Review of the literature on rural teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 80, 83–93.

Rude, H., & Miller, K. J., (2017). Policy Challenges and opportunities for rural special education. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 37(1), 21-29.
Skyhar, C. L. (2020). Thinking outside the box: Providing effective professional development for rural teachers. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 10(1), 6- . https://10.3776/tpre.v10i1p6-
Van Eijck, M., & Roth, W. M. (2010). Towards a chronotopic theory of “place” in place-based education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(4), 869-898.
Versland, T., Will, K., Lux, N., & Hicks, J. (2020). Envisioning the rural practicum: A means to positively affect recruitment and retention in rural schools. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 10(1), 6- . https://10.3776/tpre.v10i1p6-
Voytecki, K. S., Craft Tripp, M., Wilhite, K., & Warren, S. H. (2020). Video grand rounds in rural teacher preparation. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 10(1), 6- . https://10.3776/tpre.v10i1p6-
Zuckerman, S. J. (2020). The role of rural school leaders in a school-community partnership. Theory and Practice in Rural Education, 10(1), 6- . https://10.3776/tpre.v10i1p6-


2020-06-17 — Updated on 2023-02-26


How to Cite

Place-based Innovations for Rural Education: An Introduction to Volume 10, Issue 1 of TPRE. (2023). Theory & Practice in Rural Education, 10(1), 2–5. (Original work published June 17, 2020)