Project edPIRATE

A Teacher Residency MAT Program for Rural Educational Justice


  • Angela Novak East Carolina University
  • Jenni



teacher pathways, Black Belt, research-practice partnerships, rural educational justice, diversity in rural schools and communities, residency model


Rural educational justice demands reconstructing educational structures, including
teacher preparation programs. With federal funding from a Teacher Quality
Partnership grant, we rebuilt a Master of Arts in Teaching pathway program from
the ground up, using a co-teaching residency model and a core framework of rural
educational justice practices. With goals of establishing a healthy racial climate,
building the racial literacy and culturally responsive teaching capacity of the
teaching resident and mentor teacher teams, and fostering rural humanizing
community spaces designed to cultivate genius, joy, love, intellect, and criticality
(Muhammad, 2023), the first two years of the five-year grant are the subject of this
theory-to-practice analysis. Utilizing a school-university-community collaboration
approach, we identified, placed, supported, and mentored teacher residents in a
place-conscious approach to the rural, racialized communities and contexts in
which they teach. The purpose of this article is three-fold: (a) to contextualize the
educational inequities and opportunities that exist in the rural Southeast Black
Belt, (b) to present our rural educational justice teacher education framework,
curriculum, and processes to members of the field of rural education, and (c) to
share emerging themes from our experiences creating a teacher education
program for rural educational justice. What we offer is not yet an exemplar.
However, it provides theoretical foundations, an ambitious curricular framework for
rural teacher education, and an analysis of lessons learned.

Author Biographies

Angela Novak, East Carolina University

Angela Novak, Ph.D., an equity advocate, is an associate professor and gifted coordinator at East Carolina University. For 25+ years, Angela has engaged collectively with learners, families, communities, and staff in K-22 education as an inclusion co-teacher in a variety of gifted and talented educator, specialist, and administrative roles in public education and in non-profit academic programming. Multilingualism, equity, and belongingness are deeply embedded throughout her professional work and personal lived experiences, contributing to her publications and presentations in giftedness, educator professional learning, collegians, and play. Angela is a mother-scholar, educator, and current editor of the Journal of Advanced Academics.


Jennifer L. Gallagher, PhD, is an associate professor in the Literacy Studies, English Education, and History Education department in the College of Education at East Carolina University, where she teaches social studies education courses and serves as the program coordinator for the undergraduate and graduate history education programs. Gallagher is originally from northern Wisconsin and earned her BA and MEd from the University of Minnesota. She taught social studies for several years in Colorado and then earned her PhD at Iowa State University, where she also taught diversity courses, social foundations of education, and social studies methods. Her research and her professional efforts focus on supporting teacher candidates, in-service teachers, and P-20 students in critical inquiry of the social world. She has also collaborated with colleagues across the college and engaged in related work in literacy education, science education, and educational leadership. Her work has been presented and published in state, national, and international outlets, including Social Education, Social Studies and the Young Learner, Social Studies Research and Practice, Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, and Journal of Social Studies Research. She can be reached at or on Twitter as @DrGSocialEd


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How to Cite

Novak, A., & Gallagher, J. (2024). Project edPIRATE: A Teacher Residency MAT Program for Rural Educational Justice. Theory & Practice in Rural Education, 14(2), 21–67.