Co-teaching: Equity for English Learners?


  • Heather P. Williams Boise State University
  • Robert W. Ditch Middle School Administrator



co-teaching, equity, rural education, English Learners


This study adds to the current understanding of co-teaching in rural school systems, specifically its use to equitably serve the needs of English learners (ELs). The authors investigated one western U.S. rural district’s implementation of a co-teaching model where general classroom teachers shared teaching responsibilities with an English as a second language (ESL) teacher in a secondary school setting. Research has long shown traditional pull-out models for teaching ELs are not the most effective because there is often a disconnect between what is happening in the mainstream classroom and what is happening in the pull-out placement. This quantitative study included observations of 20 co-taught classes during 400 minutes of classroom instruction to measure fidelity to the district’s co-teaching model. This article details the extent to which teachers utilized specific co-teaching strategies. It also reports on the quantity of teacher-student interactions in general and relative to ELs and non-ELs. Observations revealed that EL students worked primarily with the language specialist, and most of those interactions took place in the context of individualized support. Implications regarding equity and opportunity to learn academic content for both EL and non-EL students are discussed.

Author Biographies

Heather P. Williams, Boise State University

   Heather P. Williams, PhD, is an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator for Executive Educational Leadership at Boise State University. Her research interests include systems leadership and governance, rural education, educational policy, school improvement and innovation, and the superintendency. Williams has spent over twenty-five years in public education serving both in higher education and PK-12 as a superintendent, principal, curriculum director, teacher, coach, and school improvement consultant. She works nationally as a school improvement consultant, and in addition provides training and development for school boards and superintendents.

Robert W. Ditch , Middle School Administrator

   Robert W. Ditch, EdS, is a middle school administrator. He is interested in leading school systems to close opportunity gaps and ensure that every student is supported to achieve at a high level. He has been a professional educator since 1992 serving as a school administrator, student support specialist, and classroom teacher. He recently completed his educational specialist degree in executive leadership at Boise State University.



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How to Cite

Williams, H. ., & Ditch, R. (2019). Co-teaching: Equity for English Learners? . Theory & Practice in Rural Education, 9(2), 20–34.